Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Asshats do vex me

In my first post here I wrote about how the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry seemed to have become kinder and gentler. Then this story hit the airwaves and the 'net and all I could do is groan and face-palm.

The worst thing that I, a Yankees fan, have ever done to a Red Sox fan was throw a beer on one--and that was in retaliation for him throwing one on me. I have exchanged more than my share of taunts and name-calling. However, I would never dream of laying a finger on a Red Sox fan, much less gunning my car in a parking lot and running one over. When I saw fistfights break out, my first thought was always "stupid assholes." No rivalry is worth beating up or getting beat up over and it certainly isn't worth killing someone over. And the worst part of this matter is that the woman who ran the guy over? 43 FUCKING YEARS OLD. If you're a young dumb drunk twenty-something that's one thing, but to be in your forties and go after someone IN YOUR CAR because they yelled "Yankees suck"? Jesus, you live in NEW HAMPSHIRE, you should be used to that by now.

This incident has brought out the asshattery on both sides. As Texas Gal, keeper of the most excellent Red Sox blog Center Field writes:

Rivalries are essential to the enjoyment of sport. Anyone who attended a college without a rabid athletic rival or roots for a pro team without a rival counterpart team knows that having someone to "hate" makes sports a lot more exciting and interesting. But rivalry carried to this extreme isn't really rivalry any more--it is pure hatred. That's not fun or exciting--it's ludicrous.

And why do I have a feeling some idiot Sox fan is going to go for payback? If that's the case, all I can offer is this:

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