Sunday, May 18, 2008

Whatever, Portsmouth. Nobody cares.

Okay, so it is ridiculously late at night, but this East Coast Bitch just had to suffer through some ridiculous fucking Phillies baseball (seriously, why does Adam Eaton/Tom Gordon/the fact that Rod Barajas can suddenly put the wood on the ball hate me?) and then I got stuck in traffic trying to get home from the city because the Schuylkill is fucking ricockulous, no matter what, and I may be rambling.

Anyway, Nobody Cares But Maggie, but Portsmouth won the FA Cup earlier today. Over Cardiff. I figured I should mention it.

I'm paralyzed by not caring, as the match itself was horrifically boring, by all accounts, and Cardiff is the fifth second tier team to face Portsmouth this season's FA Cup schedule, which is akin to letting the Mets get away with playing the Nationals and the Orioles to get to the World Series, only to beat the Tigers in four. Basically? Lame.

Really, the match was only notable because Aaron Ramsay became the youngest player to EVER play in an FA Cup match at SEVENTEEN, which makes me feel both out of shape and old, simultaneously.

The sad thing is that Comcast Cable actually tried to charge me $25 to watch the game on Pay-Per-View. Y'all, that is why it sucks to be a stateside soccer fan- we get shit scheduling from Fox Soccer Channel and then we have to pay to watch the semi-important matches.

They are, however, broadcasting the Chelsea/Manchester United European Cup Final match on Wednesday, which means I'm going to have to do some creative juggling with my schedule.

Look, people, Euro 2008 is coming. That means exactly two things. 1) That means ALL KINDS OF SOCCER UPDATES from yours truly, and 2) EUROVISION.

People, if I can teach you nothing, it is that Eurovision is the most COMPLETELY FUCKNG CRACKED OUT THING YOU WILL EVER SEE IN YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE ON THIS EARTH, and you will ADORE IT FOREVER, if you give it a shot. Seriously, it makes the only fun part of American Idol (the part where all the terrible singers embarrass themselves trainwreck-style) look tame.

No. Seriously.

God, I love the Ukraine.

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