Saturday, April 26, 2008

Liveblogging the Draft with Mags and Lisa, Part II

Lisa: If my internet doesn't stop cutting out I will cut a bitch. Lauren just came in here and said, "What in the fuck is Keyshawn wearing?"

Maggie: That's awesome. Who are they booing? Oh, the Patriots are up. FUCK ALL Y'ALL, HATERS. Wait, we drafted Jerod Mayo? It is going to HURT MY SOUL to root for a dude form Tennessee.

Lisa: Fangirl whore

Maggie: Well, fuck you, too.

Lisa: Not you, dumbass, the actual fangirl whore they just showed clapping her hands.

Maggie: Oh, okay. In that case, I concur. Fuck that dumb bitch.

Lisa: At least she wasn't wearing pink.

Maggie: First person to make a wiseass comment about a black dude playing in Boston gets punched.

Lisa: I never knew until this season that Boston had a racist stigma.

Maggie: Yeah, well. Haters need fuel. Motherfuckers.

Lisa: Jesus Christ, that suit. Looking at Keyshawn's suit must be what people felt like when they first saw the Wizard of Oz in technicolor.

Maggie: I cannot even begin to DEAL with that suit. I also cannot deal with the fact that I just thought to myself 'Self, Steve Young is a good looking man.'

Lisa: But he IS, Mags. There is nothing disturbing about it.

Maggie: Yeah, but it's STEVE YOUNG. I hate the 49ers.

Lisa: He is no longer a 49er. Leodis McKelvin to Buffalo? Leodis? The hell?

Maggie: I don't even know who that is, but Leodis might be my new favorite name ever.

Lisa: It is awesome, I will give you that

Maggie: I DO NOT CARE ABOUT AUTO RACING. DRAFT, FUCKERS, DRAFT. Also, I'm just going to mock those Chicago fans. Seriously, it's a special kind of awesome when your team drafts a brand new tackle with their first pick and the camera cuts to the fans who are all 'Who?' Poor Chris Williams. Oh, look, they're playing the tomahawk chop music for the Chiefs. How deliciously racist.

Jerod Mayo is very happy about getting to play for the Pats. As he should be. Shut up, haters.

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