Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Zito Follow-up: Here We Go Again...

So right after I wrote that Zito rant, he went on to lose two more games. In that second game, he gave up six runs in the first inning. The Giants finally realized that something had to be done, and they banished his sorry emo-ass to the bullpen.

That didn't last long.

I should follow this with analysis on how the rotation will look now, or worrying about Matt Cain's hamstring, but all I can do is say... oh hell, I can't say anything. I'm too busy weeping in the corner.

Here's something to amuse yourself with: Your pay vs. Zito's

And I tried to find a Zito fail macro, but this came close:


Anonymous said...

I love that graph as much as I love you and Michael Beasley.

One of Many Lisas said...

Pie chart = winnar