Monday, April 21, 2008

Objectifying pitchers is the reason New England started the Revolution

Or at least that's what I'm choosing to believe.

It's Patriot's Day up in Massachusetts, which means that thousands of schoolchildren are learning that the only reason for a day off school in April is a ridiculously early Red Sox game. Oh, and there's some marathon or something, too.

Anyway, the Sox are on the mound, Manny's inexplicably out of the lineup again (which is going to MURDER my fantasy team, for the record) and apparently there's some killer death flu going on in the clubhouse and Kason Gabbard is currently no hitting the Sox (man, I hope that works).

So here. Have a little evidence as to why you should always, always objectify the pitcher.


Ms. Lauren said...

::gropes picture of Papelbonbon::

Anonymous said...

Ahh that picture. So memorable for so many reasons. One of which was it was the first time I became totally enamored of Papelbon for a reason OTHER than his amazing pitching or his personality. I had NO IDEA that's what was hiding under than uniform of his. DAMN!